New Documentary Teaches us how to Take responsibility for Our own health

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With obesity, cancer and heart disease on the rise in the united states everyone is searching for a common option to healing and better health. film maker, norm Hacker believes that through our own selves and natural healing we can obtain better health. “No matter what state of health you may be in ideal now, we are all on a healing journey of one type or another. We are all here now at the same time, sharing our time, our resources, our planet, with one another,” he states on his website,

After he recovered from injuries from an automobile accident norm Hacker met a film maker and set out on a journey to create his own film about healing. His documentary, Heal Your Self, taking responsibility for your health, describes how we can take control of our own health through natural solutions.

Hacker interviewed seventeen health and wellness experts and advocates including doctors, published authors and people who have get rid of health problem through natural healing. Each presenter in the film contributed a special perspective on natural healing based on their experiences.

After enjoying this film I believe that the film maker and the majority of his experts have an extreme view on natural healing. Heal Your Self emphasizes the value of maintaining a healthy diet in buy to get rid of health problem and achieve optimum health and well being. I agree that we need to change our diets in the united states and limit our consumption of processed foods. However, according to this film, humans are naturally vegetarians and we must only consume raw fruits and vegetables and foods that are organically grown. Yes, a diet like this will help you feel better and lose weight, but in the fast paced world we live in a diet solely on raw fruits and vegetables may be next to impossible for some. Also, I disagree with the notion that we are naturally vegetarians.

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According to The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, by Michael Murray, N.D., Joseph Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno, “the human gastrointestinal tract is capable of digesting both plant and animal foods…our front four canine teeth are created for meat eating…To answer the question of what humans must eat, lots of researchers look to other primates, such as chimpanzees, monkeys, and gorillas. These nonhuman wild primates are omnivores. They are also typically described as herbivores and opportunistic carnivores in that although they eat generally fruits and vegetables, they may also eat small animals, lizards, and eggs if given the opportunity. For example, the gorilla and the orangutan eat only 1 percent and 2 percent of animal foods as a percentage of total calories, respectively. The remainder of their diet is derived from plant foods. considering that humans are between the weight of the gorilla and orangutan, it has been suggested that humans are created to eat around 1.5 percent of their diet in the form of animal foods.”

I believe this is true and we must and need at least 1.5 percent of our diet to come from animals. Obesity and heart disease is too common in the united states because a majority of Americans get half of their calories from animals and the protein from their diet does not come from only lean proteins like fish and white meat.

Heal Your Self also goes over the value of using your mind through meditation and faith in buy to heal yourself. Susan Ryan Jordan, mother of actress Meg Ryan and published author did just this in buy to heal herself from breast cancer. She has been cancer complimentary for a number of years now. yes I agree that our minds are exceptional and powerful. Faith, prayer and using our mind and brain can help heal health problem and ease stress.

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The film also describes how crucial it is to use all natural chemical complimentary product in our homes and for personal care. I also agree with this. You must be aware of all the chemicals you and your family are being exposed to each day and how they are effecting your health. I agree that lots of of the common products found in American households consist of harmful chemicals that can cause cancer, infertility and birth defects. If everyone cleTıp dolapları, duş odası çekmeceleri, keten dolapları ve çamaşırhane odaları, tüm doğal alternatiflerle bulunduğunuz tüm ev ürünlerinin yerini aldı, o zaman kanser istatistikleri çok büyük ölçüde düşer.

Eğitim yoluyla evet hacker ile hemfikirim ve yaşam tarzı değişikliklerini uygulayarak sağlığımızı ve refahı kontrol altına alarak, bize nasıl yaşayacağımı söyleyecek olan doktorlara ve diğer profesyonellere sayılamadık.

Bu film hakkında daha fazla bilgi için ve DVD’yi satın almak için lütfen ziyaret edin:

* Açıklama: DVD’nin bir kopyasını aldım, bu inceleme karşılığında sağlığınız için kendi kendine sorumluluğunu iyileştirin. Tüm görüşler doğru ve% 100 madendir.

Cascia Talbert, Kuzeybatı Pasifik’te yaşayan yoğun bir blogcu, yayıncı, serbest yazar, çevrimiçi tüccar ve beş çocuğun annesidir. B.A. ile Tarih ve hukukta ve sağlıklı bir şekilde yazma tutkusunda, 2007 yılında sağlıklı anneler dergisine başladı. Halathane Mommies Magazine, anneler için en iyi sağlık blogu yer almaktadır ve birkaç sağlık uzman yazarları ve anne blogcuları bulunmaktadır. Bayan Talbert, annelerin sağlık konularında iyi eğitilmişse ve nasıl sağlıklı kalırsa, bu bilgiyi çocuklarına indirebilirler ve ABD’deki çocukluk obezite istatistiklerini geri çevirebilirler.

İlgili Pankreatit nedir?

Bayan Talbert,’da özellikli bir sağlık blogcusudur ve makaleleri’da da bulunabilir. Aynı zamanda Ning’deki sağlıklı anneleri yönettiği, Talbert Nutrition LLC için başlama görevlisidir ve Amerika’nın sağlıklı yaşam mücadelesi için Sosyal Medya Danışma Kurulu’nda. Onu Google + ‘da takip et.

Bu Mesajın bağlantısı: Yeni Belgesel bize kendi sağlığımız için nasıl sorumluluk alacağımı öğretir


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